Twenty pediatric endocrinologists across North Carolina have issued a statement about HB2.
In part, it says..
“There are babies born in whom chromosomes suggesting one sex do not match the appearance of the genitalia,” they write. “This can be due to multiple biological causes such as chromosome abnormalities, abnormalities in anatomic development, environmental exposures during pregnancy, genetic mutations in the synthesis and actions of adrenal and gonadal hormones, and tumors that make sex hormones."
Do you need me to spell this out for you? Babies with female DNA can have a clitoris as big as a penis and may not have an opening for their vagina. Babies with male DNA can have scrotums that look like labias.
Do you need me to spell this out for you? Babies with female DNA can have a clitoris as big as a penis and may not have an opening for their vagina. Babies with male DNA can have scrotums that look like labias.
Note that they go on to say that if the assign gender at birth (which means cut off what THEY or the baby's parents believe is the wrong penis, clitoris, or labias), that gender reassignment at a later date (ie, when they reach puberty, or an age when they understand which sex they relate to) is often done.
Again, let me spell this out for you. Sex identity is not necessarily based on the appearance of one's genitalia, or DNA, as we currently understand and test it.
It takes parents with deep, profound love to raise a child not knowing if that child ultimately will be a male or female. One such couple was a Minister and his Wife. They let their twin children reach the age of puberty when the twins decided they really were women, not men. At that time, they did the assignment surgery that was never screwed up for them at birth.
Again, let me spell this out for you. Sex identity is not necessarily based on the appearance of one's genitalia, or DNA, as we currently understand and test it.
It takes parents with deep, profound love to raise a child not knowing if that child ultimately will be a male or female. One such couple was a Minister and his Wife. They let their twin children reach the age of puberty when the twins decided they really were women, not men. At that time, they did the assignment surgery that was never screwed up for them at birth.
Download their full letter You can note that the Doctors who signed the letter and determine they know a hell of a lot more about the subject than any politician does.
The world is not simple, even though many Republicans want it to be.